In the news: Sarah Palin #1 best seller 7 weeks before release date.

Elitist Republican intellectuals have joined with guerrilla-warfare Democrats in a jihad to wipe Sarah Palin off the face of political geography. The propaganda loud speakers of this dirty little war can be heard blaring: "Sarah Palin is not to be taken seriously! She is catastrophic for the Republican Party and for America in general!"

In their attack attempts to belittle Sarah Palin these political war-mongers only betray:
1. Their own littleness?
2. Their own fear?
3. Their own arrogance?
4. All of the above?

Hint: "You are very fearful of everything you have perceived but have refused to accept. You believe that because you have refused to accept it you have lost control over it." (Chap. 1: A Course in Miracles)

"My God! Sarah Palin not only failed to attend Harvard, Princeton or Yale ... she's not even a lawyer!" Her snickering attackers sound like British government toadies in 1775. Talk of freedom coming from colonists? How dare those ungrateful, uncouth ... who do they think they are?

Does that mean thousands upon thousands of Americans are uncouth degenerates, ungrateful to lawyers? How else would you explain Sarah Palin's as yet unreleased book selling faster and more furiously than Dan Brown's newest offering?

Or does Sarah Palin stand for something Harvard, Princeton or Yale lawyers could never quite understand? Activist David Horowitz has himself broken away from the ranks of the elitists. He says this of Sarah Palin:

"Sarah Palin has shown herself to be a resilient woman who will not fold under attack (and this puts her head and shoulders above McCain and most other Republicans). I think Republicans generally want a fighter. You can be a centrist and a fighter. Why not? But in the first nine months of the Obama Administration, it is Palin who has set the standard in facing down the Left."

Wouldn't it be a joke on elitists if Sarah Palin ended up helping her party like a Ronald Reagan or a Franklin Roosevelt or an Abraham Lincoln ... only in a woman's body?

"God's laws will keep your minds at peace, because peace IS His Will, and His laws are established to uphold it. His are the laws of freedom, but yours are the laws of bondage. Since freedom and bondage are irreconcilable, their laws CANNOT BE UNDERSTOOD TOGETHER. The laws of God work only for your good, and there ARE no other laws beside His. Everything else is merely lawLESS, and therefore chaotic." -Jesus Christ in A Course in Miracles