We hold these truths to be self-evident:

It is wrong for any man, woman, group, or organization (including government) to take the life of any human being. Each individual has an inalienable right to life.

It is wrong for any man, woman, group, or organization (including government) to use fraud, force, threat of force, legislation, judicial fiat, or majority rule to attempt dominion over any human being's free will. Each individual has an inalienable right to liberty.

It is wrong for any man, woman, group, or organization (including government) to use fraud, force, threat of force, legislation, judicial fiat, or majority rule to take (or dictate the use of) the fruits of any human being's rightful productive efforts. Each individual has an inalienable right to own and freely use property.

It is not wrong for people to create a government infrastructure which...
(a) is not allowed to violate these natural rights, 
(b) discourages others from violating these rights,
(c) provides for arbitration and adjudication when others have violated these rights.

21st Century Constitution For a Moral Government